There’s a lot to be said for living in the
country: a detached house, a view of Mont Blanc, a garden with enough space for
ping pong and parties, off-street parking for two cars – two cars that are in
their element on the nearby twisty roads. Life isn't bad.
But once in a while Monsieur Gourmand and I
miss the meals out we used to have before moving
out of town.
One of our local restaurants in those days, L’Esquisse, recently beckoned us back with the promise of good food,
unfussily served on its summertime pavement terrace.

Unsurprisingly, Monsieur Gourmand was
stuffed, despite his comparatively light carpaccio starter.
I started with coeur de boeuf tomatoes (for those not in the know, these are the biggest, tastiest tomatoes you can find away from the Med) with
pesto and burrata (the creamiest, most fiendish
form of mozzarella known to man) before devouring two fillets of fresh, fleshy bream.
After a cooling raspberry sorbet and an
irresistible home-made meringue with whipped cream and berries, we made our way
through Eaux-Vives, along to the lake and back to the car.
Maybe it’s time to revisit some other
old haunts?
L’Esquisse, rue du Lac 7, 1207 Genève
+41 (0)22 786 5044;